Guitar 3D – Chords

Hard to learn guitar chords with photos or videos? Need to see the finger positions from different angles?… Then come and enjoy learning basic guitar chords with real-time 3D interactivity. Observe the correct finger movements between chord changes.
All animations and real guitar audio samplings are made with academic musicians.

★Features of Guitar 3D – Chords trainer:

✓ 3D Camera to observe finger positions (fingerings) from different views.
✓ 3D Hand and fingers to demonstrate correct positions on guitar.
✓ Finger transitions between chord changes.
✓ Guitar chords on staff.
✓ Guitar chords on chart.
✓ Basic and common guitar chords for beginners. For now no bar (barre) chords.
✓ Real guitar samples for each chord.

★ Basic chords demonstrated on guitar

✓ Am (A min, A minor, La minor)
✓ A (A maj, A major, La major)
✓ A7 (A Dominant Seventh, La Dominant Seventh)
✓ B7 (B Dominant Seventh, Si Dominant Seventh)
✓ C (C maj, C Major, Do Major)
✓ C7 (C Dominant Seventh, Do Dominant Seventh)
✓ Dm (D min, D minor, Re minor)
✓ D (D maj, D major, Re major)
✓ D7 (D Dominant Seventh, Re Dominant Seventh)
✓ Em (E min, E minor, Mi minor)
✓ E (E maj, E major, Mi major)
✓ E7 (E Dominant Seventh, Mi Dominant Seventh)
✓ F (F maj, F major, Fa major)
✓ G (G maj, G major, Sol major)
✓ G7 (G Dominant Seventh, Sol Dominant Seventh)

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